
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Racism Definition Essay

Racism is something something we’ve all witnessed. Many people fail to believe that race isn’t a biological category, but an artificial classification of people with no scientifically variable facts. In other words, the distinction we make between races has nothing to do with genetic characteristics. Race was created socially, primarily by how people perceive ideas and faces we are not quite used to. The definition of race all depends on where and when the word is being used. In U.S. history, the meaning of the label â€Å"white† has changed over time, eventually adding groups like the Italians, Irish and Jews. Other groups, mainly African, Latino, American Indian, Pacific Islander, and Asian descendants, have found the path for worldwide social acceptance much more difficult. The irregular border of ethnicities touch educational and economic opportunity, political representation, as well as income, health and social mobility of people of color. So where did this type of behavior begin? There are many ideas thrown around as to how racism began, though the truth lies in the history of mankind. Before people were able to travel and experience difference groups of people, we predominantly stayed in the same kind of area with the same kind of people. We feared things that were different, and were lacked the power to face those kinds of things. All this changed once we did, in fact, obtain this level of human advancement, but the fear never drifted. The truth is, racism began as soon as people faced those of different races. We’ve always the fear of change, not to mention the unknown. It seems that is racism has been around so long we would have been able to overcome it as our species developed, but contact with those of whom we are afraid of often lead to disputes, which, in time, is what caused racism to transform from people simply disliking each other, to the permanent and indestructible foundation of common racism and prejudice. Contemporary racism is said to have been derived from many places, one of the most common ideas being upbringing. As a child, you are reliant on your parents to help you become who you are. Part of that involves their own, distinct opinions, that of which children don’t have the maturity to form on their own. They need the help of their parents, and this is often where the problem starts. If you were told that all Asians were sneaky or all Whites are evil or all Blacks are criminals, you can bet that you are going to feel this way about them. â€Å"Upbringing is the largest cause of racism†-Anonymous. Even if we allow yourself to get to know some of them, this will always be in the back of your mind. Another suggestion as to how racism makes it’s way into our heads is through the almighty media. As we grow up, media becomes a factor of our lives whether or not we want it to be, and is also a major source of how racism keeps itself active. Since the 70’s the media has been giving us racial labels, one of the largest supplies coming from crime shows like â€Å"Law and Order†, and â€Å"CSI†. When dealing with crime, people of color are reflected in the demarcation of â€Å"them† and â€Å"us†. Whites are often represented as the â€Å"good guy†, or the strong, law obeying citizens. They often target people of color, sometimes without any sort of evidence. Directors and writers use racial stereotypes to make a more complex story with more suspects. In the novel, â€Å"The Power of One,† by Bryce Courtney, a young, white, African boy named Peekay lives in a world where the government, the country, and the world revolves around racism. World War II is coming to an end, and in South Africa, the whites seem to hate the blacks just as much as the blacks hate the whites. Peekay was raised by a compassionate and loving black woman he refers to as â€Å"Nanny†, due to the unsafe conditions at home with his bad, mentally ill mother. He grew up with Nanny and his best friend, who was also black. To Peekay, racism didn’t exist. The author, Bryce Courtney, didn’t intend on writing a book fully based on racism in South Africa. He grasps a trace of apartheid by Peekay’s experiences as a white boy by unhurriedly soaking it into South Africa as a toxin. â€Å"Adapt, blend†¦develop a camouflage.† This thought went through Peekay’s mind once he had been exposed to racism, having been forced to attend a boarding school full of bigger, darker students. In Chapters One and Two, as a mere five-year-old, the bright protagonist Peekay is already addressing the necessity of affecting camouflages in order to survive the system. He is often forced to act differently around people of different skin colors in order to fit in better to prevent himself from getting beaten or teased. Peekay faces his first taste of racism the very first night at the boarding school. One boy, known as â€Å"The Judge†, who was much older, stronger, and darker than Peekay, comes up with the nickname â€Å"PissKop† for Peekay, because of Peekay’s habit to wet the bed that was caused by The Judge’s, along with the help of many other older black students, tendency to beat Peekay and spit in his face. The Judge also convinces Peekay that Hitler is determined to march all Englishmen in South Africa into the ocean, and even forces Peekay to eat human feces. Upbringing is a very strong factor of what influences people to become racist, or to have even slight racial views. In Peekay’s case, he had gone from one extreme to another. At home, Nanny and his best friend were the only people he could call family, besides his mother who spent time at what Peekay called â€Å"The Mental Breakdown Place†. When sent to the boarding school, he wasn’t expecting the black students to dislike him because of his skin color. He saw the black kids as merely bullies, and before they started bullying him hadn’t anticipated them to gang up on him because they were black. This is what caused Peekay’s neutrality with the racist society in which he lived. He gave each person a chance to be a good person, because he had seen the good in different ethnicities to which many people were stubborn to open up their minds. The power of one, or the idea of how one person can make a significant difference, is an important idea in relation to challenge in the novel. Giel Piet, one of Peekay’s boxing coaches who had been sneaking tobacco to all of the prisoners, was forced to eat feces by Sergeant Ballman, a white racist who works at the prison. If Giel Piet had refused to eat the feces, the guards would have found the tobacco, resulting in the prisoners getting beaten along with Giel Piet . As Peekay witnessed this happen to his coach, he thought, â€Å"It made me angry. Angry it was done. Angry I couldn’t do anything to stop it.† But how does racism really affect society? Visibly identifiable members of racial and ethnic oppressed groups continue to struggle for equal access and opportunity, particularly during times of stringent economics. Often, the targeted race has a harder time doing things such as finding a well-paying job or house. While there have been some sizeable gains in the labor force status of racial minorities, significant gaps remains. Racism is rampant in all areas of employment. For many members of exploited racial and ethnic unit, there is always an economic depression. Studies show that people of color are the last hired and the first fired. As a result, budget cuts, downsizing, and privatization may disproportionately hurt people of color. In February 1995 the unemployment rate for African Americans was 10.1 percent as compared to 4.7 percent for white Americans (Berry, 1995). The unemployment rate for adolescents of color is approximately four times that of white adolescents. Whatâ€⠄¢s more, In America, the Majority of unemployed men are black, and compared to other races, Blacks and Latinos on average have disproportionately low income. Other than simply getting a job, getting and keeping a house is often a difficult task for those of color. The job of a landlord is to rent out houses to reliable people or families, though a racist landlord could make it difficult for a family of color to find a home. Widespread housing discrimination against Americans of color in U.S. neighborhoods is sometimes referred to as a â€Å"national† problem, something that must be fixed by new government policies. Housing segregation in the United States developed slowly and deliberately. By law, property owners may not refuse to rent or sell housing, make housing unavailable to, set different conditions or privileges for sale or rental of a property, impose different rates and terms on a loan, refuse to make a mortgage loan, or discriminate in appraising property due to a client’s ethnicity, and because racism cannot be seen, these rules are very vague. Available evidence suggests that blacks and Hispanics face higher reje ction rates and less favorable conditions in securing mortgages than do Whites with similar credit characteristics (Ross & Yinger 1999). It has been reported that blacks pay more than 0.5% higher interest rates on home mortgages than whites do and that this difference persists with income level, date of purchase, and age of buyer. During the Great Depression, people of color had a much harder time getting past the financial hardship because of the racial stereotypes that had before been thrown around. In the book, Whitewash Race: The Myth of a Colorblind Society, Michael K. Brown says â€Å"In the late 1930’s, black unemployment rates were two to four times higher than white unemployment rates.† Few Blacks had any financial savings to caution them from the full affect of the Depression. Blacks that had before has troubles getting a well paying job the faced the same challenge with a much larger margin for failure. Mrs. Roosevelt was particularly fretful about the financial difficulties encountered by racism. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, by Mildred D. Taylor, is a story about a black family, the Logans, from the south, living frugally in order to preserve and keep their patch of farmland. Because the story takes place during the end of the Great Depression, one of the worst times in history to be a black farmer, money has become very sparse for the family and for the neighborhood. The children of the family, Cassie, Stacey, Christopher-John, and Little Man, live in a world where white kids rule and they know it. White kids had the freedom to do anything they wished to do, from threatening the kids they thought were inferior to hammering kids who socialized with black kids, or even walked with them to school. This was the case for T.J., a friend of the Logan kids who often walked with Cassie and her brothers to school, more often than not with a price. While walking to school on the first day, Cassie and her brothers are cascaded in red dust as a bus full of white kids skids past, though they eventually get their revenge on the kids by sabotaging the bus. This is significant not only because it shows us just how boorish white kids were to black kids, but it also shows that black kids had to walk to school, and to some black kids, according to Cassie, the walk is so long they are forced to drop out of school. Cassie, being in fourth grade, attends a school especially for black kids. On the first day back to school, she and the other students are staggered to realize that that year they would be having books in the class, something that at that time was a luxury for an all-black school. Though once Cassie sees the books, she quickly sees why the books were given to them. The books were old and dirty, and on the inside of the front cover clenching to stay on was the label â€Å"Nigras.† Infuriated, Cassie refuses to take the bo ok, and is ultimately whipped for her quarrel. It isn’t until a black man is killed by a group of white men without consequence that the Logan kids grasp the idea of how dangerous living in a racist, white community could be. Racism becomes the problem revolving around the Logan family. Cassie doesn’t understand why they are treated differently and doesn’t want to back down because of the color of her skin. Stacey, on the other and, agrees to keep a low profile in the white community as to not trigger any alarms that may cause an issue. This novel does a good job of showing how the effects racism on a specific race simply cause racism itself to stay functioning. After all they endure, at the end of the book the Logan family are a healthier family than they were at the start, mainly because of their capability to see through each other’s skin color, something the rest of the town was unable to do. The disruption of the school bus, though it was simply a small revenge, shows how close the kids had become because of everything they had been through because of the white kids. Racism brings races together, making races seem like a tighter bondage, and ultimately making it easier to target races. Racism had existed throughout human history. It is regularly defined as the detestation, or belief that someone is less than human, because of skin color, place of birth, and mores. All of these arguments are based on a false understanding of race; in fact, some contemporary scientists could argue that the classification of races used today is inadequate, and that there are more meticulous and proper ways of categorizing humans. What may seem to be considerable â€Å"racial† differences to some people, such as skin color, hair, and facial shape, are not of much scientific significance. It has been said that there have been greater biological differences between people of the same race than if we were to compare the same trait to a different race. One philosopher writes: â€Å"There are few genetic characteristics to be found in the population of England that are not found in similar proportions in Zaire or in China†¦.those differences that most deeply affect us in our de alings with each other are not to any significant degree biologically determined.† Often what causes people to act racist is the fact that they have learned to conceal fear with racism. Many individuals react with fear towards those who look or appear different than them. Fear is what makes us uncomfortable, making us need to protect ourselves and defend, mostly causing pain and discomfort to the person or object of the fear. Instead of attempting to fix and deal with the differences, the wall between the two maintains; union and agreement are never attained. So how do we put an end to this? The sad fact of the matter is that, during this age, we won’t. People were born differently, and it’s only human to retaliate negatively to things or people we aren’t used to. Scientists believe there is the tendency in all animals to selectively preserve their own kind even at the cost of a different animal type, which is in essence what caused racism, not to mention prejudice in general. As humankind progresses, our way of thinking becomes more complex, as does the world around us. The values we once had aren’t forgotten, but replaced with new values as our old ways hide in the back of our minds. Though they are present and may re-emerge if a change in life conditions calls them up, they are no longer the dominant. This genuinely is the hope for mankind in their fight to end racism. In the future, if we can surmount the silliness of racism to the point where no one senses it, we will be in fine condition. The most effective way to begin this, through the words of Morgan Freeman, is to â€Å"Stop Talking About It.†

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Internet has made classroom-based lessons redundant Essay

Ever since the creation of the internet in 1990, the applications on this 21st century program have grown exponentially, ranging from study tools to online markets. With such tools, schools and institutions are unnecessary. In a recent survey conducted by Babson Survey Research Group, it was found that 77 percent of the academic leaders agreed that the rate of learning outcomes via online education is superior to classroom education. One might say that the internet has a wide range of information, but with such a diverse spectrum, it would be tough to have a fixed course. This would cause students the deviate from original objectives, and hinder the learning process. However, critics fail to consider that this would allow students to plan their own preferred course. A preferred course would enhance a student’s education as they will only study topics or courses which they are interested in. Furthermore, educational websites such as Khan Academy provides students with a course outline and would also show their progress over the years. Thus, students would have a course outline to follow and keep track of their learning. In contrary to popular belief, educational platforms have multiple users and these sites allows students to chat online on forums and chats, several even have notes and lectures created by students to enlighten others. Such functions would grant students a chance to exchange knowledge and improve both parties’ proficiency. P2PU — Peer-to-Peer University is one such MOOC –massive online open course which incorporated these functions. More than 50 percent of the responses from a MOOC survey have agreed that MOOCs have helped them in their work or studies. Not only did MOOCs help academically, they helped decrease the gender gap by 20 per cent as compared to traditional education. As such, MOOCs can benefit the education both academically and socially. MOOCs also provide an informal setting for students to study in. In a classroom environment, there are strict rules and etiquette. With several dozens of students in a class, students may not feel comfortable to ask questions and would have to consult the teacher after the lesson. Without such regulations, students can openly ask questions and would not feel uncomfortable. In addition, unlike traditional schooling, MOOCs can be accessed 24/7, regardless of location. This would surpass time differences and geographical boundaries. Participants can learn anytime they are  comfortable to. Eventhough students may be travelling, they can still learn and make full use of their time, instead of killing time by playing games or listening to music. Therefore, MOOCs can help students by allowing them to harness their time well and giving them the courage to ask questions. Traditional schools limit their student intake by restricting them by their age, gender, highest qualification achieved, and their grades. Online schools currently do not reject or classify students according to measures mentioned above. This allows people of all demographic backgrounds to participate and learn as long as they have a stable internet connection. By nullifying these domains, not only would there be a larger number of students, the both sides can have a broader perspective of situations around the world. Lecturers on MOOCs are world-class academics, achieving degrees from top colleges and institutions all over the world. As compared to teachers in conventional schools, these lecturers would have a more diverse and deep knowledge. They would be able to better ‘inculcate’ students and conduct the tutorial more efficiently. After completing courses, students would be given certificates of accomplishment. Almost 80% of the universities in USA accept such certificates and can be used for admission to old-school learning modules. Students of all backgrounds would hence have an opportunity to excel and have an internationally-recognised certificate. Although many of these MOOCs and other platforms have not gained worldwide recognition yet, it would, in the near future, being proportional to the proliferation of the internet and smart phones. Online education will become a significant chapter in the history of mankind, due to helping millions with a single video. Despite being effective, traditional learning styles would have to be phased out with the coming of this phenomenon. 1. Do you agree that city life is becoming increasingly unattractive? (YES) (CP + CA) Ever since the proliferation of heavy machinery, a growing figure of people are being irritated by the noise pollution of cities. City dwellers have to endure the daily, unceasing annoyance from shrill sound of all sorts. The cacophonous sound of colliding metals from ongoing construction, the piercing blare of horns from vehicles or even the accumulating talking between people have gradually made most cities become less attractive days by days. Because of these factors, it is easy to  understand why most retirees are moving to the outskirt of their cities to enjoy the rest of their lives. 90 percent of elderly in the USA are trying to save their money daily in order to move to the peaceful coast which is surrounded by the deep blue sea with breaking sound waves. Even in less developed countries like Vietnam, places which give people the most pleasure are still villages with ultimate green paddy fields. All over the world, cities are about to be places to work only, not for living. The excessive urban noise that is only going to increase in the coming years will continue to eat away at the urban fantasy.1 One might say that cities are becoming safer from crime. With a more efficient police and advanced technology, syndicates would be discouraged to commit crime due to its high hey risks. However, critics fail to consider that attractions would be a ‘honeypot’ to syndicates. An increasing number of tourists visiting a city, would equate to crime rates growing exponentially. This is caused by the large numbers of tourists who flock to attractions, causing guards to be unable to have a overview of the actions of people. Residents of the city would therefore have to take precautions against such crime, rendering the city’s residents to be . The Louvre in Paris has an annual average of 8.9 million tourists visiting. Despite the fact that an adequate force of over a thousand security officers are hired in the museum, crime rates are high and constantly growing in the cosmopolitan. Cities are thus getting more vulnerable to crime and its attraction to mankind is constantly decreasing.2

Monday, July 29, 2019

Investment banking & private banking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Investment banking & private banking - Essay Example This development must bring about sustainable increase in living standards which implies that per capita income of the citizens will improve improved education and health as well as an environment that is friendly to human life. It's a concerted effort on the government to steer the direction of private sector of the country or in a city towards creating opportunities that lead to sustainable economic growth that can provide enough incomes to the labor force, enable employers to gainfully engage in business opportunities that eventually can provide enough tax revenue to maintain the country's infrastructure, this support a continued growth. It's therefore important that every country's governing body appreciate the impact of private sector investments in steering the economic development. Although there are several initiatives that enhance investments both domestic and foreign, there is no better alternative to private sector investment as an engine for development. The economic deve lopment process requires legal and institutional adjustments which enhance provision of incentives for innovation as well as investments so as to create an efficient production process and distribution system for the goods and services. (Sosale, S, 2000). It is important to know that economic development is different from community development. Community development is a process that is directed to making a community a better place for habitat as well as a better place to work. It's a structured intervention that focuses on giving the communities greater control over the factor that affect their lives thereby giving them confidence to tackle their problems as effectively as possible. Community development work hand in hand with the local groups and organizations that represent communities at local levels (World Bank, 2008, p.67). Community development may involve improvement of living standards f people in a certain part of a country or region but economic development involves improvement of well being of its people within the different layers of society such that everyone in the country or region has to potential and increased quality of life. Economic development is simply the creation of wealth in which the community benefits are enhanced. It involves deliberate intervention in the normal economic growth of a country to give positive results. From a public perspective, local economic development is a process that involves allocation of limited resources - land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship in a way that positively effect the countries business activities, Income distribution, employment and poverty reduction efforts. Looking at the various definitions of economic development by different scholars, no single definition captures all the different strands of development although there are common measurement tools like employment increase, improved economic output and increase in tax revenue (World Bank, 2006, p.89). Economic Growth & development though are largely interrelated; they are different in meaning as used in economics. Most economists use the term economic development to explain the various problems facing the underdeveloped countries and economic growth to in regard to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

SB 76 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SB 76 - Term Paper Example The law establishes the MHSO and Accountability Commission. Significantly, the commission is mandated to conduct annual review and approve mental health programs at county level for expenditures such as innovative programs, prevention and early mitigation programs. Moreover, the law authorizes the SDMH to enhance technical assistance to mental health initiatives at county levels, as specified. The bill would terminate the requirement for such annual reviews and authorize the commission, to offer technical expertise to mental health initiatives in the counties (Base, 2012). Currently the law requires health programs in the counties to produce a project that would serve three years to be updated annually and seek the approval of the department after its review and the commission’s comments. The bill would terminate the annual requirement for updating the 3-year initiatives and the requirement for approval by the department preceded by review and commission’s comments. The act restricts funds from the MHSF from supplanting the state funds used to provide psychological services. In addition, it requires financial support of the state for mental health activities with hardly the same entitlements, allocations from the GF. The bill shall order the state to administer the fund as opposed to the department. Additionally, it would authorize for a continued financial support for mental health initiatives from the collection of local revenue. The Treasury of the state would, require the Controller to disseminate to the counties all unutilized and unreserved funds in the MHSF monthly (Hall, 2009). Under the law, money in the MHSF may be utilized only for recognized purposes, including 5% for innovative initiatives, as stipulated and 5% for departments administrative costs, the CMHPC. The bill, 2012, would allocate certain funds in the MHSF to cater for Medical specialty in the mental health services. For instance, through those funds for special pupils and th e Periodic Screening, and Treatment program. Consequently, the allocation of funds in the MHSF for other purposes would make the bill an appropriation (Keithly, 2012). The act demands the department to establish regulations, which may serve as crisis solvers and the designated local agencies to execute the enacted act. However, the bill would declare its consistency with the act; hence, it furthers the purpose. The Constitution in California has authorized the administrator to announce a monetary emergency and call the Legislature into a special session for the above purpose. Significantly, Governor Schwarzenegger produced a proclamation ordering a fiscal emergency, and that necessitated a critical session for the same purpose. Additionally, in December 2010. Governor Brown produced a proclamation in January 2011, as declaration, a reaffirmation that a fiscal emergency disappears, and postulating that his proclamation had superseded the earlier proclamation on the provision of the c onstitution. However, the bill would postulate that it handles the fiscal emergency as declared by the reaffirmation of the Governor by his proclamation produced in January 2011, pursuant to the constitution of California. Arguments for the SB. 76 In conclusion, it is significant to highlight the numerous arguments for the support of the SB. 76. According, to a legislation committee in California referred to as Friend’

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Workers Rights and Unemployment Issues in Qatar and United Arab Research Paper

Workers Rights and Unemployment Issues in Qatar and United Arab Emirates - Research Paper Example As a result of it, there was a manifestation of the large exploitation of the millions of low wage workers employed in the dangerous and dirty jobs in the various manufacturing companies. Most of the works that these workers were given include construction, cleaning services and domestic work and most of them are migrant workers. Likewise, the United Arab Emirates also gets a large portion of its labor pool from migrant workers mostly from South Asia. According to figures from 2005, 95 percent of the United Arab Emirates labor pools are migrants (Human Rights Watch, 2007). This translates to about 2.7 million workers most of who work in the construction and domestic service industries a scenario that is similar to Qatar’s laborers. Still just like Qatar, there are cases where most of the migrant workers are faced with problems whereby they are not given the work that they are promised when they are going to the country. Actually, in place of this, there is a lot of mistreatmen t by employers, especially for those who work in domestic areas and lack of proper bargaining channels by those who are employed in construction companies and other public places. The United Arab Emirates had a Draft Labor Law which the government opened for public review and comment on the 5th of February, 2007. There were quite a number of changes that were pointed out for change with some of the areas in need for urgent reform being the exclusion of provisions on workers’ rights to organize and bargain collectively, this included the prohibition of strikes, the exclusion of certain category of workers such as the domestic, farming and grazing workers from the protection of labor laws (Human Rights Watch, 2007). In... This essay stresses that unemployment is a critical social and economic problem in both developed and developing countries and the United Arab Emirates, though rich oil based company has not escaped this problem. Before the independence of the country, its economy was dominated by economic activities such as fishing and little agriculture. However, with the discovery of oil, and the rise of oil prices in the 1970’s provided the country with financial resources which enabled it to make a lot of economic development programs and created employment opportunities. This paper makes a conclusion that the United Arab Emirates seems to be having some issues with regard to worker rights and labor laws that are supposed to take care of the rights of the workers. This is the same case in Qatar where there are still cases of employer mistreatment and many other issues with regard to unfavorable work conditions. It will take the intervention of the governments of both countries to ensure that labor conditions are favorable. The aspect of Human Rights has become a sensitive issue the world over and these two countries are on the spotlight since they have to come up with laws that favor both the nationals and migrants who are many in their countries. Unemployment is not much of an issue in these two countries since they are among countries with the lowest rate of unemployment but they can still make the situation better by creating more employment opportunities and ensuring that the workers in the private sector are treated better.

Age Effect on M-Commerce Retail Customers Dissertation

Age Effect on M-Commerce Retail Customers - Dissertation Example The consumers are divided into two age groups: 18-35 and 36 and older. Using contingency theory and simple regression analysis the results are analysed for statistical significance of age. The results and implications for further research are discussed. Table of Contents Abstract 4 List of Abbreviations 6 Definition of Terms 7 Chapter One: Introduction to the Study 8 1.1.Background 8 1.2.Statement of the Problem 10 1.3.Purpose of the Study 13 1.4.Aim and Objectives 14 1.4.1 Aim 14 1.4.2. Objectives 14 1.5.Research Questions 15 1.6.Hypotheses 15 1.7.Research Methodology 16 1.7.1.Research Instruments 17 1.7.2.Limitations and Delimitations 18 1.7.3.Assumptions 19 1.9.Organization of the Study 21 1.10.Chapter Summary 22 Chapter Two: Literature Review 23 2.1. Introduction 23 2.2. M-Commerce: Mobile Networks, Services and Applications 23 2.3. M-Commerce and the Retail Sector 29 2.3.1. The Retail Sector 29 2.3.2. The Retail Sector and M-Commerce 31 2.4. M-Commerce and Consumer Trends Worldw ide 37 2.5. Consumer Adaptability, Acceptance and Attitudes Toward M-Commerce 42 2.5.1. Adaptability 42 2.5.2. Acceptance 50 2.5.3. Attitudes 59 2.6. Themes in the Literature 62 2.6.1. History, Development and Trends in M-Commerce Use Globally 62 Retail 62 Consumer Trends 65 2.6.2. M-Commerce and Consumer Adaptability, Acceptance and Attitudes: Previous Studies 66 Adaptability 66 Acceptance 69 Attitudes 71 2.7. Summary 71 Chapter Three: Research Methodology 73 3.1. Introduction 73 3.2. Contingency Theory 73 3.3. Research Philosophy 75 3.4. Research Methods 77 3.4.1. Data Collection 79 3.4.2. Data Analysis 85 3.5. Trustworthiness 88 3.6. Ethical Considerations 90 3.7. Summary 92 Chapter Four: Results and Analysis 93 4.1. Introduction 93 4.2. Results 93 4.3. Analysis 104 1.11.Aim and Objectives 133 1.4.1 Aim 133 1.4.2. Objectives 133 1.12.Research Questions 134 1.13.Hypotheses 135 1.14.Statement of the Problem 138 1.15.Purpose of the Study 141 1.16.Aim and Objectives 141 1.4.1 Aim 141 1.4.2. Objectives 142 List of Abbreviations B2C: Business to Consumer IT: Information Technologies LAN: Local Area Network PB: Perceived Benefits PU: Perceived Usefulness PEOU: Perceived Ease of Use TAM: Technology Acceptance Model TPB: Theory of Planned Behavior TRA: Theory of Reasoned Action WAP: Wireless Application Protocol Definition of Terms E-commerce: Selling and purchasing goods and services via electronic platforms. Interoperability: Diverse systems working together for one common goal. M-Commerce: Wireless of mobile transaction involving transfers of funds. M-Payments: Method for making payments via mobile or wireless devices. Chapter One: Introduction to the Study 1.1. Background A number of different mobile wireless devices and services are now available and range from mobile telephone networks to wireless local area networks (LANs). These kinds of devices and services are encapsulated by mobile commerce, more broadly known as m-commerce (Liu & Chen, 2009). M-commerce is a branch of e-commerce and as such is defined as any monetary or economic transaction performed by use of a mobile wireless device or by â€Å"wireless technology†, by at least one of the parties to the transaction (Mohpatra, 2013, p. 81). Bidgoli (2011) simplifies the definition of m-commerce by defining it as a â€Å"new market are created by web-enabled mobile phone services†

Friday, July 26, 2019

How Environmental Documentaries Have Developed from the Ethnographic Research Paper

How Environmental Documentaries Have Developed from the Ethnographic - Research Paper Example Hence, the documentary filmmaker's role has changed as well. He is not simply a storyteller with a camera any longer, but he can become an environmental activist himself. Director Louie Psihoyos is directly involved in the action in The Cove where filmmakers alongside environmental activists plant hidden cameras to reveal the dolphin slaughter committed by the fishermen. Not only does he direct his filmmaking crew, he also leads the group of activists and plays a crucial part in devising the plan how to expose crimes of animal cruelty. The general consensus amongst environmental filmmakers today seems to be that a film alone can't change anything, but the reactions and actions it provokes in an audience can bring upon real change. Captain Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace, remarks in The Cove: â€Å"You're either an activist or a non-activist. I decided to be an activist.† The filmmakers' clear intent to motivate the audiences into direct action is summed up by one of the film's marketing punch-lines: ‘The Secret Is Out. Spread the Word’. Unlike feature films that make headlines for a few weeks while they are successful at the box office, documentaries like The Cove have an organic 'after-life' where audiences and fans are kept up to date online by the filmmakers about how the story is developing long after the initial release of the film. Most importantly, the world wide web and social networking media can play an active role in defining the outcome of the story by giving audiences a platform to take direct action. The Cove's website lists many options how one can directly support several organizations who are protecting dolphins in Japan by either donating money or by signing online petitions, joining... The general consensus amongst environmental filmmakers today seems to be that a film alone can't change anything, but the reactions and actions it provokes in an audience can bring upon real change. Captain Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace, remarks in The Cove: â€Å"You're either an activist or a non-activist. I decided to be an activist.† The filmmakers' clear intent to motivate the audiences into direct action is summed up by one of the film's marketing punch-lines: ‘The Secret Is Out. Spread the Word’. Unlike feature films that make headlines for a few weeks while they are successful at the box office, documentaries like The Cove have an organic 'after-life' where audiences and fans are kept up to date online by the filmmakers about how the story is developing long after the initial release of the film. Most importantly, the world wide web and social networking media can play an active role in defining the outcome of the story by giving audiences a platfo rm to take direct action. The Cove's website lists many options how one can directly support several organizations who are protecting dolphins in Japan by either donating money or by signing online petitions, joining facebook groups or by pledging never to buy a ticket for a dolphin show. To sum up, environmental films of today are holistic experiences that give the audiences the opportunity to become interactive and play a crucial part in the overall cause.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

An Overview of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry Research Paper

An Overview of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry - Research Paper Example This "An Overview of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry" outlines and analyze the restaurant management in Chicago and defines the main aims of it in order to improve this branch of hospitality and to attract new customers. The everyday life in Chicago is very fast and competitive and people barely find time to spare for unconstructive activities such as enjoying an exclusive feast. College students and working class always prefer grabbing a quick snack between breaks and only wish to give minimal lead time between ordering food and being served. Since Chicago represents one of the busiest commercial and capital hubs of America, there are high stakes involved and thus various strict regulatory bodies exist that closely monitor all food and hospitality businesses. Not only the mandatory standards are complied with, but restaurants also attempt to meet requirements of voluntary codes pertaining to quality, health, hygiene and safety. This social business is for the public at large an d hence to gain their support and create goodwill amongst diversified population of Chicago, it is crucial to fulfill needs of the desired market niche. Demographics of targeted market segment must be carefully studied and preferences be analyzed before establishing the offered menu and the overall aura of restaurant. In order to outperform hundreds of brands already prevailing in the market, some uniqueness and exclusivity needs to be developed that attracts customers who can find those factors nowhere else. This may be the special food, innovative methodology or unrivaled services. Innovation through technology Technology has swayed the hospitality industry of Chicago in recent decades. New innovations are highly valued by the Chicago people and thus all famous brands continue to develop and introduce newer methods of cooking and serving through usage of technology. Moreover, few inventions such as the social media, has helped businesses in collecting vast amount of demographic in formation of customers and in conducting mass marketing campaigns. Often, new restaurants market their business on social media portals and operate online only for collecting orders and making deliveries, with no physical dine-out outlet and hence save substantial costs. Furthermore, various brands have introduced self-service stalls in different busy locations of Chicago; these booths have automated equipment with no human intervention. A customer can conveniently place

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Design for sustainability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Design for sustainability - Essay Example Design for sustainability refers to the philosophy of designing products or objects that are environmentally friendly and conform to the principles of social, economic and ecological sustainability. Design for sustainability is also known as environmentally sustainable design or simply sustainable design The aim of design for sustainability is to completely get rid of negative environmental effects or impacts through skillful and sensitive design. Its manifestation does no want resources that cannot be renewed, has minimal impact on the environment and relate humans to the natural environment. Therefore, when designing a product, companies should incorporate environmental and social factors throughout the life cycle and supply chain of the product with respect to their socio-economic surrounding (McAloone and Bey, 2009). The life cycle of a product begins from extracting, processing and supplying of the raw materials and energy required for the product. It then proceeds to the produc tion, distribution, consumption (reuse and recycling) and ultimate disposal. It is important to note that sustainability has no absolute value; the sustainability of any product is an allusive quality that will differ from one product to another (McAloone and Bey, 2009). Due to global concerns over environmental and social problems such as climate change, biodiversity loss, poverty, health and pollution, most industries have improved their products to meet sustainability criteria or principles in order to out do or out shine their competitors. However, there are some companies that have not adapted this principles of sustainability and their products seem to be so unfriendly and unsustainable, for instance, the plastic bags (Diehl and Crul, 2007). The plastic bags were initially considered to be more sanitary and friendly to the environment as compared to the deforesting paper bag. They are cheaper to make, sturdy and easy to carry. However, with recent findings, they have proved to be very much environmentally unfriendly and unsustainable. Plastic bags are made from flimsy plastics which are not easy to recycle. They easily blow into trees and water bodies thereby killing marine life. They also take much of the required landfill space. In addition, plastics are made from polyethylene (a by product of oil refining) which is a non renewable resource. According to Mendis (2009), the oil used in making plastics is about 4% of the world’s total oil production. Plastics are also produced using a lot of electricity as compared to the paper bags; they require four times as much energy produce and 85 times as much to recycle (Mendis, 2009). The chemicals and inks used in making the plastics can also leak and pollute the environment, particularly the soil and water bodies. When burned, the chemicals and inks in the plastics produce noxious compounds that are a threat to the human life. Plastic bags are non biodegradable; they take about 400 to 1000 years to disa ppear. Plastic bags also have the tendency of causing suffocation among children. It is estimated that about twenty five children (below one year) in the US suffocate each year because of the plastic bags (Mendis, 2009). The plastic bags are also a threat to the life of most animals. About 105,000 sea animals such as dolphins, penguins, whales and turtles die yearly due to plastic bags. Most of these animals mistake the plastic bags for food, ingest them and eventually die (Mendis, 2009). For instance the turtles always mistake the bags for jellyfish. And since the plastic bag are non digestible, they will intact even after the animal dies and decomposes. Thus, it lies in the sea and gets ingested with another animal. Having mentioned the impacts of plastic bags on the environment and how it is unsustainable, it is wise to explore ways of making it environmentally friendly or give alternative for it. To protect the environment, it is therefore important to consider the following alt ernatives to plastic bags: use

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

I will attach 2 pages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

I will attach 2 pages - Essay Example However, her son Bailey has already decided firmly to travel to Florida. On the other hand, the grandmother tries to persuade her son, in whatever sort of persuasion available, to change course. She made two arguments why they should go to Tennessee: first, the evil Misfit and his gang are headed toward Florida; and second, the children need to broaden their world by going to Tennessee since they haven’t gone there before. Evidently, the two arguments are contradictory; thus, the old woman deliberately lies to her family for the selfish reason of wanting to go to Tennessee. She could have been a good woman -- i.e., honest and truthful -- if there is just someone who will â€Å"shoot her.† On the road towards Florida, the grandmother keeps on talking about the good-old-days. For instance, she speaks of an old term which refers to an African American boy: pickaninny -- such term means â€Å"little† or â€Å"small.† The way the grandmother utters the word â⠂¬Å"pickaninny,† however, sounds like she is mocking the â€Å"little Negro.† Indeed, that was the olden time when black slavery or the pickaninny was popular among the white American race. Furthermore, the grandmother only tells stories of the past that greatly benefits her. When her grandchildren laugh at her, the grandmother reacts against their behavior by saying that â€Å"children were more respectful [in the past]† (O’Connor 231). A manipulative old woman, she could have been good to other people, especially the young ones, if somebody â€Å"shoot[s] her.† During the pit-stop, the old lady talks to the owner of The Tower, Red Sam; unsurprisingly, they considerably discuss about the â€Å"better times† (O-Conner 234). The grandmother appears to agree to Red Sam’s observation, that good men are hard to find these days. The Tower owner tells the old woman about the better times when people could go out without even locking their ho use’s door; nowadays, he adds up, no one can be trusted anymore. Here, the grandmother’s view of the world in general and men in particular is subtly revealed. She considers the present-day people as inherently evil. As we shall see, however, the old lady’s perception towards men as evil dramatically changes; she could have been good -- i.e., possessing positive outlook in life and the world -- if someone â€Å"shoot[s] her.† Before the accident, the old woman tells her grandchildren about a house in Georgia that has a secret panel. The main motive of the old lady why she mentions this secret panel is to convince her grandchildren to go to Georgia. In the succeeding incident, however, it becomes clear that the house â€Å"she had remembered so vividly† was in Tennessee after all. In the ditch after the accident, the grandmother keeps to herself about her deliberate deception to Bailey and others. And in order to avoid Bailey’s anger due to t he grandmother’s cat that primarily cause the accident, the old lady has hoped that â€Å"she was injured† (O’Connor 236). Again, one observes that the old woman keeps on looking for ways, whatever they are, in order to save her butt, so to speak. The grandmother’s manipulative character could have been altered if there is just somebody who will â€Å"shoot her.† When the Misfit and his gang arrived in the scene, the old lady speaks of lie again.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Good, Bad and Disturbing News about the Future Essay Example for Free

Good, Bad and Disturbing News about the Future Essay It seems that the development of our technology has some price to pay. In his article entitled â€Å"Good, Bad and Disturbing News about the Future†, Dr. Malcolm Smith, a family life specialist addresses to parents the transformations that many teenagers are undergoing over the changing times. According to him, â€Å"Our young people are very connected, yet they feel very unattached† and with this loss of the sense of belongingness, the youth has resorted into various self-destructive behaviors such as violence and despair, among others. The youth may already have various means of connecting to other people but they do not have the attachment that people before used to have. Parents must be alarmed at the revelation that not many teenagers are able to communicate with adults well and this could lead to disobedience, which is, by the way, one of the Ten Commandments written in the Scriptures. The increasing disregard of the youth for others has caused them to rebel and go against what the teachings of their parents. In the end, this disregard leads them to lose their fear over the Supreme Being. While the whole world may be planning ways on how to survive future happenings such as recessions and the like, Malcolm said that it might also be high time to think over what can be done to change the youth’s attitude on life. A ministry can greatly help guide the youth such as through the retelling of the Scriptures, so that they have a chance to reflect on how they have lived their own life. This is a hard task at the beginning; however, as teenagers would only like to feel like they belong to some group, allowing them to interact with those who have similar situations can help them feel comfortable in no time. Bringing in family and ministry support to misguided teenagers could help prepare them for the future, helping them to survive and live life free from violence and rebellion.

College Student Pressures Essay Example for Free

College Student Pressures Essay Students committing to the college of their choice are unaware of the peer pressures that arise when one attends school. Many may feel as though peer pressures tend to happen more often when one lives on campus, but it can occur off campus too. For example, peer pressures can lead to partying, drinking and drugs. The want to attend class is a daily pressure because there aren’t any consequences when no attending. Another main college pressure is financial stress. The percentage of partying that goes on throughout college is very high and is a common interest that happens every week. From facing the pressures of to staying and studying for a huge test, friends bothering each other constantly to go out and drink with them and pressure to take drugs to â€Å"have a good time. † These examples happen very often, and it is hard to say no to them, one factor is that friends may say â€Å"you’re no fun†, and making friends feel bad about not going out, and then the students start to not care about studying thinking you don’t need to do it anymore. In high school, going to school every day was a daily routine. Children always did because their parents made them, and if they didn’t, there were consequences. In moving up to going to college, there are no consequences in skipping class. If students skipped then they would miss the lesson of the day, and there is no â€Å"making up the work,† teachers are there to teach and not to babysit, so they could care less if students show up to class or not. This is a main pressure, students think, I don’t need to attend class today, and if they don’t go, there is no punishment or consequence. The common question of how am I going to pay for this, is commonly asked daily in a college students head. Financially pressures are high and rising throughout universities. The stressing and struggle to find enough money to pay for tuition and the costs of books and housing while living at school add up. Even though some student can qualify for financial aid cover the costs only temporary and have to deal with the costs later after graduating. This pressure leads some college students to either drop out or to focus more on working and less on their school work.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Shaping, Joining and Surface Treatment Analysis

Shaping, Joining and Surface Treatment Analysis MANUFACTURING  PROCESS  SELECTION Introduction: Process selection is a key responsible are in an industry where the specification from the customers is analysed and the suitable process for the desired product is isolated from the other manufacturing processes. This selection process in a company is very important as this determines the futuristic profit for the industry or the quality of the products thats been produced from the plant. In order to analyse the importance and economics of the various processes in manufacturing industry, most of the companies these days uses CES software which explains all the details a company should think about before starting the manufacturing process. CES software details the important information on the history of the materials used for manufacturing process and suitable analysis based on their economics and environmental impact. In this report, from CES mainly, the process universe is analysed based on the three process such as SHAPING, JOINING and SURFACE TREATMENT. Figure 1 CES database with process universe Part 1 Manufacturing processes: From the CES (Cambridge engineering selector) software, process universe database few of the processes were selected and analysed in detail using CES database and the sources outside CES in order to investigate these processes. Joining, Shaping and Surface treatment are the three manufacturing processes that were analysed in this report. JOINING Introduction: This process describes the methods of joining parts together using various tools and methods in order to form certain assemblies which provides useful functions mechanically. At the very beginning joining process was very simple and basic like sewing using threads to stitch clothes, using paper clips, press studs and shoe laces. When it comes to fastening two objects or bodies together, all possible options should be considered in manufacturing processes in industries. Some of the basic classification of joining process are using Adhesives, Fasteners, Mechanical welding and Thermal welding. In industrial manufacturing process, joining process is widely divided into either permanent or non-permanent joining between two objects or surfaces. One of the common process in joining metals is to fasten two parts or castings in order to merge the two surfaces of the objects. Metal objects like body armours were assembled using metal rivets. Before metal welding was introduced, riveting the metals bodies played an important role in joining manufacturing process. BRAZING Brazing is one of the basic methods used to join two pieces of metals together. The process starts with isolating the two parts of steel that are to be brazed and by cleaning the parts using wire wool or emery cloth would remove all the greases on the surfaces. A paste that is made from borax flux powder and water is applied along the joint. This prevents the process of oxidation on the surfaces as this inhibits the brazing procedure being successful. And when the compressor attached to the brazing torch is turned ON, this pressurises the gas and the air, and then the gas-air is turned ON slowly, feeding the gas through the small nozzle and this is then ignited at the end of nozzle using a match. Figure 2 Brazing torch Once the torch is set and the hottest part of the brazing torch (tip of the blue part of the flame) is used to merge the two parts of the steel surfaces. Two pieces of the steel are placed on top of the rotating mount where it is easily accessed from all the directions. In order to lift the steel off the rotating mount, fire bricks are used and hence the heat produced can flow all over the surface rather than on one spot. The surfaces of the steel and the joining metal were given a gentle heat to raise the temperature in order to expand the metal edges and ready for brazing. Figure 3 Brazing process setup The flame is then moved forward and backward in order to focus the hottest part of the flame until the steel part becomes red hot. Then a brazing rod (copper zinc alloy) is then pushed gently along the edges of the steel surfaces and when the temperature is right the rod will melt in the gaps to fill them and merge the metal and steel surfaces. The rod is fed until it runs along the joint is brazed in order to join them together. When this is complete, the steel is allowed to cool slowly by quenching in water because cooling the metal quickly may break or crack the joint or it may become distorted. Figure4heatingprocessFigure 5 Brazed material Types of materials Brazing is the process which is widely used to heat exchangers, bicycle frames, boilers, copper pipes, and pipework fittings and to repair castings and assemble machine parts. Metals, Ceramics and dissimilar materials are normally brazed using this process in industries. A variety of alloys are used in brazing the materials by using the alloys for filtering. Some of the materials that are used as common filters are, Silver Copper Nickel alloy Gold silver Copper silver Aluminium silicon Copper zinc Most commonly, the brazing materials come as in the form of rod, powder, ribbon, paste, wire and preforms such as stamped washers. Characteristics of the components Brazing process will be able to fit within the sectional thickness of range from 0.1mm to 30mm. some might cover the points beyond this range, however, this may affect the increase in cost and time for the process in order to take place. The minimum section thickness is always determined by the process and the materials used within the certain manufacturing companies. Nominal tolerance for the brazing process is in the range from 0.05mm to 0.5mm and the resulting processed materials may be outside the tolerance range but this might affect the time for processing and the cost for the manufacturers. Some accuracy like precision or the surface roughness can be determined by the nature of the process. Economics of the process Brazing can be done manually and by using automated machines which is using the furnace. Generally manual process takes time and using the torch to braze a material requires certain skill level. On the other hand, automated furnace brazing requires no skill and no labour costs. Therefore, this brazing process is cheap and tools are fairly cost worthy as well and it is very economical for small runs in certain companies. Yet this process allows high production rates when the whole process is automated at large or industrial scale. SHAPING Introduction: Shaping is a process that was developed over time from ancient times when machines were involved in manufacturing processes. However, these types of shaping machines are not widely used in the current manufacturing industries although they had very substantial development. This process was used to cut metal tools and other parts in early days on the flat surfaces, yet these were used as a drawback in this times. Shaping produces the flat surfaces by moving a single point in a reciprocating or zigzag motion. The forward stroke is the cutting edge motion and the reverse motion is finished with high velocity motion in order to include the sideways feeding motion. CERAMIC MOLD CASTING Ceramic mold casting is a process which uses high temperatures in order to cast certain parts of machines or even tools, used in various machineries. This process is also like plaster mold casting but instead of using plaster to create metal parts or castings, ceramic casting uses refractory mold materials for casting. In an industrial level the parts used as cutting machinery or metal molds die for metalworking or even the metal impellers can also be manufactured using this type of casting processes. Nature of the process This process kicks off with preparing the platform for pouring the material for molding. A mixture of fine grain ZIRCON (ZrSiO4), aluminium oxide, fused silica, bonding agents and water which creates a ceramic slurry solution for the mold to be dipped in or immersed in this solution. When the mold is set in the slurry solution in the platform, the pattern is then removed and the casted mold is then left off to dry. Then using high flamed torch, the mold is then fired in order to melt or heat off the excess cast around the mold. This firing the mold process will also burn off any unwanted waste materials on the mold and make it rigid and hardened for the future polishing process. In order to add more strength and rigidity the mold is then baked in an oven over a certain time period or even heated in the furnace. The firing process leaves the mold with few cracks and lines which then adding the mold extra permeability and collapsibility for the metal processing that comes later in the industrial scale manufacturing process. Figure 6 ceramic casting process Once the mold was prepared the two halves were then joined together for assembly and be ready to pour the casting or molten material into the molds. The two halves also called as cope and drag section are then backed up with the fireclay materials for additional molding strength. Often in these types of processes in manufacturing industry, the ceramic mold is preheated in the oven in order to pour the molten metal into the cast. The metal casting is poured and let to solidify, in ceramic molding process in industries, like in other expandable mold processes, the ceramic mold is destroyed in the removal process of the metal casting. The ceramic mold itself can be a shell, for small manufacture processing components, or a box less block mold, for large industrial components, or even a composite mold combines both the shell which then backed up with a cheaper material like the large components that are produced in large quantities. The insulating nature of the ceramic mold prevents the molds from decaying or decomposing and prolongs the lifespan of the cycle time however the manufacturing ceramic casting process lends itself to mechanization and rapid output of molds. Types of materials Ceramic casting process plays a vital role in casting metal components such as tools used for forging and extrusion and even die casting. This process also used in the glass production. Some of the materials that has been processed in this way are, Aerospace parts and components Marine fitting tools Propellers for ships and small turbines Complex gearing parts Pumps and valves Pipes and precision machinery parts Impellers Characteristics of the components Mass range for this casting process is from 0.2kg to 50kg of weight and this is determined by the capacity of the casting mold or the caster, the press that the mold undergoes and the machine tools, etc. this can also often be extruded or extended with the help of additional process of fabricating. 1.5mm to 999mm is the range of the sectional thickness of the materials or the casting mold that is being used in the casting process in the industrial scale of manufacturing process. This is determined by the fluid flow in castings or the plastic constraints used in the molding process or the melt flow length in injection molding, etc. this process can generally be further outside the range resulting increase in cost for material and time for the process to take place in an industry. The range of tolerance for this casting process is from 0.38mm to 0.8mm in length or measurement as the achiever tolerance can be refined by secondary machining operations such as precision grinding and polishing in order to remove the extra unwanted materials and keep the accuracy nearly to 100%. 1.6 µm to 3.2 µm is the range of roughness for this process as this is controlled by smoothness of the molds or casting surfaces. Economics of the process Ceramic mold casting is relatively expensive. The tools costs cover a range from small, simple to large, complex molding materials and they vary in size shape and structure. To be able to cast parts at higher accuracy elements eliminates the need for machinery which reduces the cost for automated process but this casting is mainly monitored with watchful eyes and that increases labouring costs and training men in different aspects of skills development. The long preparation time taken in molds increasing makes the manufacturing production rates at very low intervals and increasing demands for new molds with certain improvements. SURFACE TREATMENT Introduction: Surface treatment can be used in various ways in order to clean or polish the surface of the materials using various techniques. This includes polishing or grinding the metals as well as smoothening the outer surface of the body of the materials used in manufacturing. Surface treatment of the metals involves the creation of a barrier that can protect the metal parts like a wall around the body in order to prevent corrosion or other chemical or environmental damages. The surface layer forming on a metal that is scheduled for chemical coating is created due to a chemical reaction which is non electrolytic in nature in order to achieve great and precision results in industrial manufacturing process. GRINDING Grinding is a slow process that polishes the surface of a material yet not removing a large sized part from the object or cutting the big edge off the material. In the past, this process was only used to machining processes or final dimension accuracy treatments by finishing the surface of the materials. But the developed or renowned new processes are changing the thought process thats been used over the years of time. Utilizing new grinding techniques, incredible material removal rate has increased up to 300mm3/smm, which is equal to 28 cubic inches per minute. This process allows the tough edges in aerospace markets, where the materials are made up of tough alloy or nickel to be removed and polished. Nature of the process Grinding process normally associated with the tools thats been used in the process of grinding. A grinding tool is used to grind down or polish metals or glass surfaces. Grinder is more like a sander which uses the abrasive surface of the grinder to remove the minute particles on the materials. Grinding process actually sharpens the wheel that is attached to the grinder by braking those particles and creating new grinding points in the wheel. A grinding wheel is made from several chemical and mineral ingredients, this composition of particles may vary according to the purpose of the wheel that is used in the industry like whether to grind metals or polish ceramic glasses. Figure 7 bonding particles in grinding wheel making process For metals they use the grinding wheel made from aluminium oxide granules to create that very abrasive surface of the wheel. For non-metals components, silicon based particles are used in the making of surface of the grinding wheels. These particles are added in weighed scales and by using resin bonding agents these particles are then bonded in shape to form the grinding wheels which are then used in the grinders for appropriate uses. Figure 8 grinding process with grinding wheels Types of materials Grinding also used to cut hardened steel, which produces very smooth surfaces. Surface pressure is minimum in grinding, which is suitable for light or small works that will spring away from the cutting tool in the other machining processes. It can be classified into rough and precision grinding. Rough grinding eliminates the primary layer of the materials that are with the huge or big part of the edges and extra addition of materials. This prepares the materials for further grinding with precision and increased accuracy. Surface grinding uses a rotating abrasive wheel to remove material which creates a flat surface. Pistons, pins, gears and shafts are some of the materials prepared by this grinding process. Rivets, valves and pipe fittings and lenses and mirrors for precision optical equipment. Characteristics of the components Surface smoothness of the materials used under grinding process achieve the high precision. The maximum temperature attained during this process is ranges from 70 to 370 C, this is due to the interaction between the grinding wheel and the material that is being grinded in the process. Unfortunately, the grinding process does not even out all parts of the material which indicates whether the treatment reaches its maximum precision level. At this process the curved surface coverage is very poor. Economics of the process The tools used for grinding process are fairly cheap and affordable. This is for manual polishing tools only with the approximate range of price from capital cost being  £90 to  £1000 and tooling cost ranges from  £8 to  £200 however this results in the production rates being very low as this is a manual process. Automatic machining processes can be expensive for both capital (ranges from  £1800 to  £1,000,000) and tooling machines (ranges from  £900 to  £10,000) but this shows higher production rates in manufacturing. PART 2 In depth case study analysis Using CES software the following charts are drawn and one of the given case study is analysed with the help of CES software. Manifold Jacket Figure 9 Manifold Jacket hollow 3D model The part shown above is called manifold jacket, is used in aerospace shuttles and vehicles. This component is made from nickel and it weighs about 7 Kg as this is a large 3D hollow dimensioned component it has a thickness of 2 5 mm with a precision tolerance of 0.1 mm. In this process of manufacturing case study, we only going to manufacture 10 units as this limited usage in the industry. Table 1 design requirements Manifold Jacket Material class selection Mass range Vs Material class The required material for this manifold jacket comes from a non-ferrous alloy. The chart below explains the class of materials fall in the range from 5 to 10 Kg of mass range of the chosen material (Non-ferrous alloy). From CES software the chart was created by labelling Y-Axis (Mass range Kg) and X-Axis (Material class Non-ferrous alloys). Then certain range as given above (5 to 10 Kg) was isolated using the box tool and the processes that satisfies the approximate length and mass are then labelled in the chart. The box in the chart isolates the processes which can shape these alloys and can handle the desired mass range of 5 10 Kg. Mass range was the Y axis and it was selected from the Process universe > Shaping > Mass range from the chart dialog box. Material class on the X-axis was chose from the advanced features and under Tree > Material universe > Metals > Non-ferrous alloys. In order to choose the limit to isolate the required process selection, a box was drawn in the chart body and right clicked on to Properties > Specified range 5 10 Kg in under the mass range sub heading. Then the chart was then zoomed in according to label the processes. By clicking and dragging on each of the coloured lines the desired processes can be identified. Chart 1 mass range VS nonferrous alloy Thickness Vs Shape class The chart below shows the relationship between the range of section thickness of the chosen materials and to see which processes can produce a 3D hollow shape of the material with transverse features. The chart was plotted by choosing range of thickness for Y-axis and hollow 3D with transverse features on the X-axis. By selecting Chart > Y axis > Range of section Thickness was selected in order to plot the graph and X axis > Advanced > Tree > Shape > 3D shaping > Transverse features. A box was marked in the chart by selecting box tool in order to isolate the processes that are capable of making that desired 3D hollow feature with the transverse feature as well. This box was in the range of section thickness from 2 mm to 5 mm. the processes outside the desired range are in different colour since these processes failed to produce the desired results within the certain limitation and ranges specified by the manufacturing company or industry. Chart 2 range of section thickness VS hollow 3D with transverse features Tolerance Vs Primary shaping process The process selection chart below refers to the interaction between the tolerance that the selection process can have and the trueness of the primary shaping process that is responsible for the formation of this manifold jacket. This chart was plotted using CES by selecting Chart from the process universe and under Shaping process > Y axis > Tolerance (mm) and on the other hand for X axis > Primary shaping process was selected on the same dialog box as both are under shaping process sub heading. Few processes that can be used to make this product within the limited tolerance and accuracy of the ranges are then isolated from the chart using a box tool and drawing the box for only the processes that can satisfy which means whatever lies on the box after TRUE phase and the applicable tolerance was specified. The tolerance level for these processes ranges from 0.1 mm and whatever above this tolerance and belong to the true phase then these processes can be used to manufacture the desired product with the possible tolerance output. Chart 3 tolerance VS primary shaping processes Economics Vs Discrete The chart below was plotted against the Economics of the batch size of 10 units thats been produced from the manufacturing processes. This chart explains the cost for the manufacturing process and see how much this process cost for the company would in order to produce 10 units of the desired products. Using the box tool from CES, 10-unit scale was isolated from the chart and the processes which can produce the certain amount of products are labelled outside the chart. Economics batch size in units is plotted in Y axis by selecting form Chart > Y axis > Economics batch size and for the X axis from the shaping process universe > X axis > Discrete was selected. Only the true section of the chart which can produce the desired materials can be isolated and units of 10 were boxed in order to see which processes can achieve this manufacturing process. Table 2 processes of the manifold jacket Chart 4 economics of the batch size VS discrete Methodology and conclusion Before even the part was made, it was important to meet the customer requirements and produce a report on how the production is going to take place and how this might satisfy the customers needs in order to make the production more efficient and effective. To make Manifold jackets it seems that Electroforming and investment casting are the right processes with the suitable economics and even for small number of units the casting works out just fine. These types of products are used in small number of units such as in aerospace vehicles and shuttles therefore it doesnt have to be produced in vast quantities. But in order to produce in bulk operations this process could cost very high and more expensive when it comes to the process being automated as the machines for these types of processes could cost effective and hard to maintain. If the process is manual this could cost much worthy for the company as in training staffs and more labour could result in expensive treatments. When it comes to large scale production of the desired products Electroforming is the only solution and for the manual process side, Investment casting emerged as a suitable solution. However, before any of these decisions been made, a brief analysis of the investment and profit report such as a cost analysis report is advisable in order to proceed with the project in future. And the analysis from the labours also advised in order to maintain a constant and continuous production in line in the factory in near future. PART 3 Environmental Impact of Process Selection ECO AUDIT TOOL To evaluate the environmental impact of the designed product and to analyse the ways to reduce this effect on the environment, ECO-AUDIT tool in CES software is used. This concept is achieved by focusing on energy usage and CO2 footprint of the materials used in the process of manufacturing. The product design forms the objective for the methods used and this resulted from a class of material selection. The objective is dependent on both product application and dominant phase, when the use phase is dominant the objective for a car would be minimize mass, whereas for a boiler, it would be to minimise thermal loss from the manufacturing process. Eco audit tool helps us to perform small or large quick audit before even we begin the report. This part of the CES software helps you to track and focus on the environmental requirements and simple and quantitative reports are being produced in order to demonstrate the compliance. This way it saves money by identifying the early stage corrections and before even the resources were submitted. Methodology of ECO Audit tool The methodology system in ECO audit helps us to easily interact with the tools and get some environmental impact of the manufacturing processes or the materials used for the manufacturing process quickly and effectively. This way you can track the product sustainability, comply with the customers target or the companys and even help us with more ideas in order to improve the design for manufacturing. If the goal is to minimise the environmental impact of the processes performed in the environment we need a quick and effective means of valuable report in order to judge the performance or the quantitative assessment. The whole processes in the ECO audit methodology can be summarised by the following image which clearly explains the steps and analysis of the process. Figure 10 methodology of ECO Audit process Advantages It helps us to make quick and early decisions based on the corrections and solutions given by the eco audit tool and this saves the company a plenty of time and money by identifying the mistakes in early designs and early stages. In order to use this software, the company or the industrial personnel does not need a specific knowledge therefore this product can be used across the company by anyone making this software more accessible for everyone and engineers can be supported by this software and take advantage by using this to make changes in their environmental audition report. It also helps the company to demonstrate the progression towards sustainability goals thats been set or achieved for the customers and some of the investors from other companies and sectors through benchmarks and some other better quantitative measures made. Case study Glass bottle We are trying to find out all the information regarding this product. For this we can use ECO audit tool which can tell us about the life cycle of this product, transport and uses for this product. This tool also clarifies the information for the energy consumed by this product and the CO2 emission for this product. We now analyse the design and the materials used in order to form this bottle including the cap of the bottle and also analyse where the bottle actually transported from and the net weight of the product or the balance weight that this product can maintain. Product manufacture The name of the product is Glass bottle with the aluminium cap that can be filled with 1 litre of mineral water which could also mean that the net weight of the materials and the whole product is 1Kg. Table 3 materials in manufacturing the product All the materials that the bottle was made up of can be recycled which indicates that the whole product is very Eco friendly and very beneficial to the environment. Transport The bottle itself was manufactured in France and it has been transported 550 km to UK with the help of

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Aztecsinga Clendinnen Essay -- Essays Papers

Aztecsinga Clendinnen Inga Clendinnen has had a fascination for the MesoAmerican area and it's history for over 30 years. Having wrote many books on the peoples and history of the region, her knowledge makes her well qualified to write a book such as Aztecs. The book is not one based on historical facts and figures, but one which is founded on interpretations of what the author believes life was like in different spheres of Aztec life. Clendinnen refers to the Aztec peoples as Mexica(pronounced Meh-SHee-Kah)as that is what they called themselves and her interpretations of Mexican ceremony as a form of visual performance is breathtaking. We firstly delve into the city and what it means to the Mexica people. Then, we enter the minds of the people who enjoy their part of society in different ways. From the warriors and priests, to the mothers, wifes and children of Tenochtitlan. Next, Clendinnen enters the world of rituals, sacrifices and aesthetics before finishing off with the defeat of the Mexican city of Tenochtitlan by the forces of Cortes in 1521. Studys into the Aztec way of life have usually focused on the Spanish conquests, rise to power of Tenochtitlan and especially into the ritual performances conducted by the peoples of Mexica. Aztecs:An Interpretation focuses more on the authors interpretations of what the Mexica people may have thought, felt or understood about the world around them. Clendinnen attempts to understand Mexica belief `not in belief at this formal level,but in sensibility:the emotional,moral and aesthetic nexus through which thought comes to be expressed in action,and so made public,visible and accesible to our observation.'1. Clendinnen states that the `account will unhappily,but by necessity,lack historical depth,'2. The sources that she has access to are numerous but Clendinnen chooses to concentrate on General History of the Things of New Spain. A book written by Bernado de Sahagun, a Franciscan monk. This book is commonly called the Florentine Codex and deals with information gathered by Indian scribes. The codex is twelve volumes in length and was collected after the conquests of the Mexica by Spain. Clendinnen states that though the Codex has fallen out of favour with scholars,`they still use them extensivly' 3. The main writing format consists of `essays-tentative,discusive explorations'4. usi... ... A few photos of Tenochtitlan and warriors headdresses, clubs and obsidian blades would increase the pleasure 10 fold. Also in places the author tends to divert to other Ameriindian cultures and use their ritual practices as examples. These comparisons can bring the ritual practices of a 500 year extant culture into modern day belief. Inga Clendinnen's Aztecs:An Interpretation is an outstanding book dealing with investigations into how the Mexica peoples may have veiwed the world in which they lived. From the daily life of a commoner to the explosively, awe inspiring lives of the priests and warriors. Clendinnen has used thoughtful insights and a fresh perspective that will have general readers and specialist readers alike engaged in a powerful and elegantly written interpretation that is hard to put down without reflection upon this lost culture. Bibliography: 1: Clendinnen,Inga.Aztecs:An Interpretation.(New York:Cambridge University Press,1991),pg 5 2: ibid.,p.7 3: ibid.,p.9 4: ibid.,p.11 5: ibid.,p.11 6: ibid.,p.17 7: ibid.,p.112 8: ibid.,p.219 9: ibid.,p.269 10: ibid.,p.269 11: ibid.,p.269 12: ibid.,p.270

Friday, July 19, 2019

A Passage to India:An Examination of the Work in a Historical Context :: essays research papers

A Passage to India by Edward Morgan Forster is truly one of the great books of it’s time. Written in an era when the world was more romantic, yet substantially less civil to the unwestern world than it is today; E. M. Forster opened the eyes of his fellow countrymen and the world by showing them the truth about British Colonialism. The novel aids greatly in the ability to interpret events of the time as well as understand the differences between the social discourse of then and now.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To fully understand A Passage to India and its cultural and historical significance one must first understand the world in which it was written, and the man who wrote it. Forster published the novel in 1924 England, a place much different than the England of today. At the time the sun still didn’t set on the British empire and there were still serious societal influences form the Victorian Era.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Forster was born on January 1st 1879; his family was part of London's upper-middle class. At the age of two Forster's father died, leaving only his mother to raise him. Their relationship was very strong and stayed that way up until her death in 1945. Forster was educated in Kent up until 1897, and then went on to King’s College at Cambridge.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Immediately after his graduation from the University in 1901, Forster began to travel around the world, spending much of his time in Italy, Greece, and Germany. His first novel, Where Angels Fear to Tread was published in 1905 and was received with good reviews. By the publication of his fourth novel, Howard's End in 1910 Forster had become a member of what was known in writing circles as the Bloomsbury Group, a distinguished group of writers including Virginia Wolf, John Maynard Keynes, and many others. In 1912 Forster made his first visit to India; and in 1021 after having served for the Red Cross in Egypt during world war one, he returned to India to be the private secretary to the Maharajah of Dewas. Forster based A Passage to India on the experiences he had while working for the Maharajah.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The world of Colonial India was much different than that of England at the time, or of the India of today. The country was ruled by the British military. British patriots and ex-patriots living in India had a culture all there own; they were not at all oppressors but did have a completely different culture than the indigenous peoples of the country.

An Enemy of the People, Waiting for Godot and Civilization and Its Disc

Science and Human Values in Ibsen's An Enemy of the People, Beckett's Waiting for Godot and Freud's Civilization and Its Discontents Throughout the centuries, society has been given men ahead of their time. These men are seen in both actual history, and in fictional accounts of that history. Aristotle, Copernicus, Galileo, Bacon, and even Freud laid the framework in their fields, with revolutionary ideas whose shockwaves are still felt today. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, and so society has also possessed those how refuse to look forward, those who resisted the great thinkers in science and civilization. The advancement of science and technology is like the flick of a light switch; research may be slow and tedious, but once discoveries are made, they are not long hidden. In contrast, advancement in the ideas of ethics and human values come slowly, like the rising of the sun; there are hints at advancement for a long time before the next step is ready to be made. Because of this, science and technology takes off in leaps and bounds before human values have awakened to find society moving again. This race between science and human values is a common theme in literature. Sigmund Freud discusses it in his essay Civilization and Its Discontents, bringing up themes later reflected in Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett. In the more concrete story line of Ibsen's An Enemy of the People one finds intertwined this same conflict. It seems generally agreed that science and technology are winning in this race, at the expense of humanity. But there is less agreement as to just what to do about it, or what is needed to save humanity from its own scientific advances. Sigmund Freud breaks t... ...rson with the right balance of science and people skills can help slow science down and awaken the ideas of human values in people regarding scientific advances in human genetics. If human values are to keep up with scientific advancement, there needs to be not complacency but action. Freud saw both science and the search for happiness rooted in the outlet of energy from repressed instincts. The continual recharge of this energy promises to keep the race between these two forces going. As expressed in Ibsen's play, it seems the key to a thriving society is to let neither science nor human values get too far ahead. Works Cited: Beckett, Samuel. Waiting for Godot. New York: Grove Press,. 1954. Freud, Sigmund. Civilization and Its Discontents. New York: W. W. Norton, 1961. Ibsen, Henrik. An Enemy of the People. Dover Publications: New York, 1999.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

If the Coat Fits Wear It Essay

The Oceanic Corporation, a Chesapeake, VA based company, was established in 1994. Glenn Rodgers III founded the corporation, which was privately owned at the time, after his retirement from Norentech Corporation. The Oceanic Corporation was originally formed to provide ship repair services and quickly earned a Department of Defense (DOD) certified Alteration Boat Repair (ABR) designation. Among its specialties were structural welding, piping system installation and repairs, electrical, painting, rigging, machinery and dry-lock work, as well as custom sheet metal fabrication. Other divisions of The Oceanic included Habitability Installation, Industrial Contracting, and Alteration/Installation Teams (AIT). With its initial success and good return on investment the firm opened and operated facilities in California, New Jersey, Florida, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Washington. In 1998, the company went public and its initial public offering was very successful. The stock price had risen from its initial value of $10 to its current level of $35 per share. There were currently 5 million shares outstanding. In 1999, the company issued 30-year bonds at par, with a face value of $1000 and a coupon rate of 10% per year, and managed to raise $40 million for expansion. Currently, the AA-rated bonds had 25 years left until maturity and were being quoted at 91.5% of par. Over the past year, the Oceanic Corporation utilized a new method for fabricating composite materials that the firm’s engineers had developed. In June of last year, management established the Advanced Materials Group (AM Group), which was dedicated to pursuing this technology. The firm recruited Larry Stone, a senior engineer, to head the AM Group. Larry also had an MBA from a prestigious university under his belt. Upon joining Oceanic, Larry realized that most projects were being approved on a â€Å"gut feel† approach. There were no formal acceptance criteria in place. Up until then, the company had been lucky in that most of its projects had been well selected and it had benefited from good relationships with clients and suppliers. â€Å"This has to change,† said Larry to his assistant Stephanie, â€Å"we can’t possibly be this lucky forever. We need to calculate the firm’s hurdle rate and use it in the future.† Stephanie Phillips, who had great admiration for the boss, replied, â€Å"Yes, Larry, why don’t I crunch the numbers and give them to you within the next couple of days?† â€Å"That sounds great, Stephanie,† said Larry. â€Å"My years of experience tell me that when it comes to the hurdle rate for new projects, one size hardly ever fits it all!† As Stephanie began looking at the financial statements, she realized that she was going to make some assumptions. First, she assumed that she assumed that the new debt would cost about the same as the yield on outstanding debt and would have the same rating. Second, she assumed that the firm would continue raising capital for future projects by using the same target proportions as determined by the book values of debt and equity (see Table 1 for recent balance sheet). Third, she assumed that the equity beta (1.5) would be the same for all the divisions. Fourth, she assumed that the growth rates of earnings and dividends would continue at their historical rate (see Table 2, for earnings and dividend history). Fifth, she assumed that the corporate tax rate would be 34% and finally, she assumed that the flotation cost for debt would be 5% of the issue price and that for equity would be 10% of selling price. The 1-year Treasury bill yield was 4% and the expected rate of return on the market portfolio was 10%.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How The Taiwanese Developed their Government

According to doubting Thomas princely mainland China offers a text edition book case of an elite-led revolution jumper lead to social transformation. The stability of operose absolutism of the mainland Chinaese government l fear the bag for mainland Chinaese ontogenesis. The KMTs cohesiveness and policy-making command plus the economic development assist supplied by the get together States also helped to picture good conditions for mainland Chinaese growth in the beginning. Once the KMT gained control of Taiwan they distribute the land and launched a program of renewal and industrialization.This period was responsible for the nationalization of more businesses formerly give birthed by the Nipponese and the start of industrial production in Taiwan marked by a sky away from agriculture to exertion. During the wee period of industrialization Taiwan assay to create domestic markets for its goods. During the period from 1960 to 1973 Taiwan pursued trade expansion in th e area of industrial goods. During this period U. S. attention directed at Taiwan turn downd as did the islands geopolitical significance.To make up for this decline Taiwan focused on change magnitude its exports. The rowth of the minute economy during this period match to prosperous laid the ground induce for the growth of opposition movements and loosening of the KMTS grip on power. According to Gold this was because the changes in the Taiwanese economy brought just about a middle class, a fall in educated populace, and a dispersion of industry through out the country. The Period from 1973 to 1984 Gold calls the time of industrial upgrading and the emergence of a political opposition.During this period Taiwan go about the oil shock, and increase in export prices due to a labor shortage that doubled workers alaries, a further detriment of geopolitical prestige, and the growth of dissent and political opposition. Taiwan industrially during this time alter the quality and quantity of its exports. The Taiwan industrial standard was that of a elite mellow bureaucracy that tightly controlled its nations citizenry in tyrannic ways. This authoritarian government was adequate to effectively channel the energies of Taiwan toward modernization.This authoritarian government became a victim of its own success because as living and training standards rose the citizenry demanded a shift Taiwan is not a truly good industrialization model for opposite countries to use outside of East Asia. This is because many another(prenominal) of the factors that allowed Taiwanese industrialization were unique to Taiwan. First, Taiwan was colonized before 1950 by a developmentalist power, Japan to which is had close ties even later on 1950.Second, Taiwan was the recipient of financial aid during its critical early long time because of a inter-core competition for hegemony between China and the United States. Third, Taiwan benefited by having a unforgiving foe with a very diametric vision of development. Fourth, Taiwan was given live space following 1949, this enabled Taiwan to come to production and consolidate power without unlike powers interfering. All these factor make Taiwan unique from other nations that would try to counterpart it.One of the elements that nations should not copy from the Taiwan Model according to Gold is Taiwans approximative authoritarian government which was much alike strictly authoritarian and had a hard time changing as the attitudes of the Taiwanese people changed. (Golds book was published years before the 1996 democratic elections n Taiwan) however Gold does say that Taiwans development model does have some lessons that could be copied in other nations seeking to industrialize.These are a official commitment to development, land redistribution, fostering of agriculture, creation of extra-ministerial ministries to guide development, strategic denotation allocation, collection and efficient management of entropy concerning the economy, investment in infrastructure and gentle capital, and proper allocation of foreign assistance. Taiwans development model was a combination of an Orwellian state and effective ways of industrializing.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Forensic Science Module Essay

Forensic Science Module Essay

Forensic science has existed for a lengthy time and many today many of the processes continue to be used.Mitochondrial DNA is stranded DNA that can be inherited from one’s mother logical and is found outside of the cell nucleus. 3. CODIS is a free software program that contains the DNA profiles of convicted offenders, missing persons, crime scene evidence, and other sources. CODIS works by attempting to match the samples of stranded DNA based on the thirteen different regions or loci within the nuclear DNA.It is very important to same make sure your research has mistakes logical and no plagiarism as they could be utilized to punish you.Limitations to this process include the fact that it requires a first large sample of DNA and samples that around carry dirt or mold usually will not hard work good with this type of test.1. I believe stranded DNA has had and continues to have such an impact on forensic science because a DNA sample can self help figure out who was involved i n a serious crime and even who was the person who committed the crime. 2.

Your study will have a flow.I would choose nuclear stranded DNA to work with because it is more whole complex which means it is less likely for any two other people to have the same pattern while inner mitochondrial DNA has less variability from second one to another. 4. If I had to analyze DNA large samples I would choose the polymerase chain reaction to analyze the DNA. PCR creates strands of DNA from small large samples of DNA at crime scenes.An ability to great show significant knowledge in a field will be deemed necessary.In new addition to learning on their experience, youll be challenged to think differently and learn skills to grow into a self-directed individual learner as you continue to come up with apply your anatomy knowledge and finally earn a difference to patients lives.

Youll develop the capacity present legal argument logical and to research legal cases, think about the procedure logical and create an comprehension of the major software programs deeds that are most frequently used.Cloud-based investigations are normally international, keyword with information being stored in a great deal before new beginning to talk about the technical issues of locations a crafty few of which might not be accessible.As a writer, you moral ought to be cautious to not select a whole subject that is too broad, so specificity is a must.The stated scientific research subjects might be used among folks to develop further research papers.

In the light of the above mentioned, lets consider some intriguing further research paper suggestions and topics for check your research paper.Some questions ought to be day running through your head by now.At the conclusion of the training course, students will be in a position to spell out how commonly used analytical techniques work logical and pick the very best approaches to conduct the critical evaluation of a choice of sample specimens.Students will have to submit acid composition assignments.